Saturday, August 26, 2006

Color or Black and White?

Color or Black and White?
Originally uploaded by funkyj.
a color photo of my Go board...


Anonymous said...

Nice set of go pictures! They're hard to find, so they must be hard to shoot, well done!
I look at go shots because sometimes I want to proselitize the game on a forum with nice go avatar.
The first picture you posted on flickr is best, although, as you said, the wood is a tad dull. On this shot though, there is a stark contrast between all four of the wood, the black and white stones (they shine) and the shadows.
I wonder if you would allow me to use it as an avatar (thus, in a public but strictly non commercial manner)?
One way or another, thanks for your efforts :-)

funkyj said...

considering that I use this very picture for my avatar I would discourage you from using it as an avatar.